Was The Groundhog Paid Off?
It’s been thirteen days since the little guy in Pennsylvania “allegedly” didn’t see his shadow, thus promising an early spring to a waiting public.
I have concerns.
And I don’t mean to be harsh. After all, this cuddly little critter has been called upon for years to announce either the arrival of an early spring or continued misery for at least six weeks.
It is the latter that I now wish to discuss.
It’s cold today here in central Arkansas. In the northern part of the Natural State, it’s snowing.
This should not be happening.
The little guy promised an early spring by not seeing his shadow.
It ain’t happening.
An early spring should mean hospitable weather and warmer temperatures.
Which leads me to the only logical and rational conclusion.
The groundhog was paid off.
I don’t know who has access to him. Perhaps it was a government agent. Maybe Big Weather and its bottomless pockets.
Whoever it was, someone finally got to him, that’s clear.
How much? I don’t know.
I am not privy to the dietary requirements or preferred resort condo of a six to eleven-pound rodent.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually in the Caribbean, relaxing on a warm beach blanket, soaking in some vitamin K.
Wherever he is, I just hope he’s proud of himself for causing all this insane forty-degree weather.